
Exam registration

You are automatically signed up for the exams in the courses you are registered for.

However, it is your own responsibility to check that your exam registrations are correct, so be sure to check your exam registrations in the Self Service on KUnet at the beginning of each semester.

If you are not registered correctly, please contact the International Team on exchange@samf.ku.dk

Exam Attempts

You have 3 attempts at each exams: the first ordinary exam, the first reexam and the next ordinary exam.

Please note, that we cannot change your exam dates due to overlapping schedules, return tickets or holidays.


You are welcome to do a reexam if you do not pass the ordinary exam or want to postpone your exam. 

You are not automatically registered for the reexam. You must register yourself for the reexam within the deadline for reexam-registration.

If you want to postpone your ordinary exam and do the reexam instead, you must cancel the ordinary exam within the deadline for exam cancellation. Otherwise you will have lost 1 of your 3 exam attempts.

We will inform you about the specific deadlines and the procedures, when you are enrolled.

Exam and reexam schedules 

You can find the exam and reexam schedules of all programs here on this website.