When admission requirements are met subsequent to the official start date of the semester

Bachelors from the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen

If you finish your Bachelor degree by sitting a re-examination

If you finish your Bachelor degree by sitting a re-examination and you successfully pass the re-examination, you will remain enrolled in your MSc degree programme. If, however, you fail the re-examination, your enrolment in the MSc degree programme will be terminated.

If you finish your bachelor degree by transferring credit

If you finish your bachelor degree by transferring credit, you must make sure that the credit is registeret no later than:

  • 20 February (February-intake)
  • 20 September (September-intake)

You should apply for the credit transfer well in advance of the official semester start date of your MSc degree programme, as your enrolment in the MSc degree programme will be terminated if the credit transferred are not registered on above dates at the latest.

If you finish your bachelor's degree by taking a summer course

If you finish your Bachelor degree by attending a summer course and you successfully pass the summer course and, if the summer course was attended at another educational institution than University of Copenhagen, that you make sure to have the credit transferred and registered by above deadlines, you will remain enrolled in your MSc degree programme. If, however, you fail the summer course or, if relevant, the credit is not registered on above deadlines at the latest, your enrolment in the MSc degree programme will be terminated.

Bachelors from other universities

If you finish your qualifying Bachelor degree programme by re-examination, credit transfer, attending summer school or a written assignment and the grade may be expected to be registered after the official semester start date, you must inform the Faculty hereof by e-mailing admissions@samf.ku.dk  Otherwise, your enrolment in the MSc degree programme may be terminated.

If you fail the final examination on your qualifying bachelor's degree programme, your enrolment in the MSc degree programme will be terminated immediately.