Heads of PhD Programme

Each department at the Faculty of Social Sciences has appointed a Head of PhD Programme. Heads of PhD Programmes are available to assist PhD students with advice and information regarding all aspects of the PhD Programme. 
The main responsibilities of the Heads of PhD Programme are:  

  • To promote the well-being of PhD students. This includes onboarding, providing information about the framework of the PhD programme, and to facilitate an engaged academic PhD environment in the department. 
  • To conduct Employee Development Interviews (MUS) with PhD students, approve regular assessment reports, and facilitate career advice.
  • To serve as an advisory body to the head of the PhD School, and to facilitate communication and dialogue between PhD students, PhD management and PhD administration on departmental and faculty level. 

The Heads of the PhD Programme meet with the Head of the PhD School approximately every second month.  

Head of the PhD School of Social Sciences

Professor Kristian Bernt Karlson
Phone: (+45) 35 32 15 88
E-mail: kbk@soc.ku.dk 

PhD contact persons at the departments

Administrators of the PhD programmes and the content of the curriculas

Department of Anthropology

Head of PhD Programme, Professor Tine Gammeltoft
Phone: (+45) 35 32 34 91, email: PhDprogramleder@anthro.ku.dk

Department of Economics

Head of PhD Programme, Professor Mette Gørtz
Phone: (+ 45) 35 32 30 14, email: mette.gortz@econ.ku.dk 

Department of Political Science

Head of PhD Programme, Professor Anders Wivel
Phone: (+45) 35 32 33 58, email: phdcourses@ifs.ku.dk

Department of Psychology

Head of PhD Programme, Associate Professor Seamus Power
Phone: (+45) 35 33 25 76 email: seamus.power@psy.ku.dk

Department of Sociology

Head of PhD Programme, Associate Professor Mathias Wullum Nielsen
Phone: +45 61 68 45 57, email: mwn@soc.ku.dk 

SODAS (Center for Social Data Science)

Head of PhD Programme, Associate Professor Hjalmar Alexander Bang Carlsen
Phone: (+45) 81 93 62 71, e-mail: hc@sodas.ku.dk