Named person
Professor Peter Dahler-Larsen, Department of Political Science, is appointed Named Person (NP) at the Faculty of Social Sciences from April 2019.
Reasons for a Named Person scheme?
The Named Person scheme is established to promote the enhanced efforts in relation to good scientific practice. The NP scheme will act as a supplement to the already existing organs dealing with suspicions/accusations of matters pertaining to good scientific practice (e.g. management, UCPH Practice Committee, and Danish Committee on Research Misconduct. The NP scheme will not replace them.
The role of the Named Person?
The main task of the NP is to handle cases where a person suspects breach of good scientific practice. NP's role is to provide good advice. NP is not authorized to make formal decisions, but is appointed to potentially resolve misunderstandings or refer to the most appropriate further handling of a case by the already existing organs.
NP is appointed by the Dean following a consultation with the Academic Council who jointly have outlined the specific formulation of the scheme for the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Who may contact the Named Person and concerning which matters?
All employees and students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as persons who are not affiliated with the Faculty, have the option to approach the NP.
Anonymous allegations/cases brought to NP will not be considered, just as NP cannot deal with matters or instigate cases on own initiative.
Matters may concern conduct during a person’s present or previous employment at the Faculty of Social Sciences, but it must concern research conducted during employment at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
The questions raised may concern breach of good scientific practice or disaccords following breach which cannot be resolved between the researchers themselves.
If the conflict is between several researchers, it may be a good idea to get NPs neutral perspective on the case. The best time to contact NP is therefore at an early stage of a process – before there is any breach of good scientific practice. In this connection, it is a good idea to reflect on how you as a researcher perceive the practice of others, but also how others perceive yours.
How to contact the Named Person and the subsequent process?
Complaints about any aspect of research conducted at the Faculty of Social Sciences should initially be brought before the researcher in question, directly and personally. If, for some reason, this is not possible or desirable, or if a dialogue does not solve the problem, the person who suspects scientific dishonesty or similar issues, may address NP with the concerns. Enquiries should be made by telephone or by letter. Email may only be used to make an appointment for a meeting.
Initially NP is contacted for guidance relating to the specific concerns in question. In confidence it is discussed whether there may be a breach of good scientific practice, or if perhaps there are other explanations or interpretations of the conduct causing concern.
One possible outcome may be that the person presenting a complaint, drops the suspicion after consulting with NP. In this case no further action is taken in the matter.
Another possible outcome may be that - after an initial dialogue with NP - the person presenting a complaint maintains the suspicion regarding breach of good scientific practice, and wishes to file a formal complaint to the management and/or the UCPH Practice Committees.
Professor Peter Dahler-Larsen
Department of Political Science
CSS, building 8, room 8.2.05
Phone: +45 35 32 41 03
Mobile: +45 53 50 42 00
Read more
- Named Person scheme at UCPH
- The Committee Concerning Good Scientific Practic at UCPH (Practice Committee)