Climate 2023.05.25 Philosophers agree with economists on climate action - but stress ethical considerations A new study shows that philosophers with expertise on social discounting and intergenerational…
Extremism 2023.05.23 Cultural threats can lead to violent extremism People with specific personality traits who perceive their cultural values as threatened are more…
Conflict prevention 2023.05.17 Researchers will increase citizen engagement in the transition towards green energy How can private corporations and public authorities ensure the engagement of citizens before…
New study 2023.05.08 Impaired verbal memory increases psychiatric patients' risk of hospitalisation People with bipolar disorder or depression are more likely to be hospitalised in a psychiatric ward…
Security 2023.04.28 Russia is mapping the highways of the seabed Europe has numerous supply cables at the bottom of the sea. If these cables are sabotaged, it could…
Green transition 2023.04.27 Charcoal is a focal point in conflicts over East Africa's green transition With a grant of DKK 10.4 million from Danida, Ole Wæver will study conflicts and conflict resolutio…
Religion 2023.04.17 Religion blocks freedom and democracy across the globe A new major study documents that religiously motivated legislation has taken place in all types of…
Behaviour 2023.03.30 Trust hardly makes us careless and complacent in crisis situations A new study highlights the importance of mutual trust between citizens and authorities when society…
Grant 2023.03.28 CEBI receives funding for four more years A new grant of DKK 39.8 million from the Danish National Research Foundation ensures that…
Age 2023.03.27 A positive intergenerational workplace climate is related to better self-perceived ageing A workplace climate that accommodates all age groups seem to have a positive impact on both younger…