2020.12.08 Claus Thustrup Kreiner: The 2020 Richard Musgrave laureate When he is laudated The Richard Musgrave Visiting Professorship Claus joins the good company of peers like Raj Chetty, Timothy Besley, Joel Slemrod, Rachel Griffith, and Michael Keen.
SAPERE AUDE 2020.11.20 Sapere Aude Grant for research into the connection between religiosity and wealth Associate Professor Jeanet Sinding Bentzen from the Department of Economics has received the Independent Research Fund Denmark’s Sapere Aude grant for talented research leaders.
IMPACT 2020.11.18 Behavioural research impacted corona-stricken Rome Two researchers from the Department of Economics have received a letter of thanks from the Mayor of Rome for their effort saving human lives.
LEARNING 2020.10.07 Using Your Smartphone in Class Does Not Affect Your Learning A large-scale research project among university students reveals that using your mobile phone in the classroom does not affect your learning negatively
CONSUMING 2020.09.30 In Scandinavia, corona restrictions only led to minor drop in consumer spending The authorities’ restrictions during the corona lockdown was not the main cause of the drop in consumer spending in Denmark last spring, a new study from the Department of Economics concludes.
CORONA INITIATIVES 2020.09.08 New measures to prevent the spread of corona virus Copenhagen is currently seeing an increase in infection rates, and once again it is time to show public spirit and to remind each other that our number one priority continues to be to prevent the spread of corona virus.
COVID-19 2020.08.24 Why wearing af face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic should be mandatory Face masks have become a symbol of the current pandemic in many countries around the globe. Wearing a mask is considered one of the most effective measures to curb the spread of the disease.
RETURN TO CAMPUS 2020.08.19 Welcome back Dean Mikkel Vedby Rasmussen wishes all welcome back to campus.
CONCUSSION 2020.08.18 Difficult to Return to Work After a Concussion People suffering from long-term effects of a concussion find it difficult to return to work shows research from the University of Copenhagen.
GAMING 2020.07.01 The corona lockdown has changed our gaming patterns A new study shows that our gaming patterns have changed during the lockdown and opens a discussion about gaming addiction.
CORONA CRISIS 2020.06.15 New research reveals what made Danes stay home, and what didn't In a new study at the Department of Economics, researchers have shown how recommendations to maintain social distancing affect our behaviour.
NEW FUNDING GRANTS 2020.05.19 DKK 10.5 million for three new research ideas The Independent Research Fund Denmark supports three new research projects at the Faculty of Social Sciences.
SOCIAL RELATIONS 2020.04.30 Deans diary #29 - with future head of department of Psychology Todays guest writer is Vibeke Koushede, new head of the Department of Psychology from 1 May. Until today she is professor in public health with special responsibilities at National Institut of Publich Healt at the…
2020.04.27 How military strategy can aid the response to COVID-19 Article by senior researcher and head of Centre for Military Studies Henrik Breitenbauch on World Politics Review, 27 April 2020.
Grant 2020.04.22 Study of actual and perceived discrimination Sociologist Merlin Schaeffer has received DKK 6 million from the German Research Council for a research project that is going to shed light on why better-integrated persons of immigrant origin tend to feel more…
VOLUNTEERING 2020.04.07 Sociologists are mapping out volunteer work and community spirit during the coronavirus outbreak In collaboration with the Danish Institute for Voluntary Effort, sociologists at the University of Copenhagen study the Danes' informal help and volunteeringduring the COVID-19 crisis through a large survey.
2020.04.07 What catches the attention of Twitter-Denmark during the Corona-pandemic At Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science, a group of researchers are collaborating to analyze Corona-related debates and reactions across social and news media, funded by UCPH SAMF and the DISTRACT-project.
FACULTY EMERGENCY GRANTS 2020.03.27 New faculty emergency grants for research on how the Corona Crisis affects specific societal groups Do civil society initiatives match the needs of their target groups? How are atypical workers’ job security affected by government aid packages? And how are international students responding to being trapped in Denmark?…
COVID-19 2020.03.24 Dean's diary #8 One of the attractions for international staff and students at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is the city itself.
FUNDING 2020.03.24 SODAS-project to study social networks by using data from mobile payment transactions SODAS researchers David Dreyer Lassen and Sune Lehmann have received DKK 19.7 million from VILLUM FONDEN for their project 'Nation-scale social networks'. Using population data and data about mobile payment transactions…
FACULTY EMERGENCY GRANTS 2020.03.20 4 projects receive funds for research on societal aspects of Covid-19 How does social distancing affect us as human beings? What do Danes think about Covid-19 and authority initiatives? And how does the crisis affect our behaviour – from our own perspective? This is what four research…
COVID-19 FUNDING 2020.03.19 SODAS researchers to be part of team studying our social behavior during the Covid-19 epidemic As a direct result of the spread of the Corona virus and the acute health crisis in Denmark and the rest of the world, the Carlsberg Foundation grants DKK 25 million to a new Semper Ardens project to investigate behavio…
COVID-19 2020.03.17 The Faculty of Social Sciences allocates funding for emergency research on COVID-19 The Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Copenhagen allocates funding for researchers interested in studying COVID-19 with the purpose of helping citizens and authorities in the coming weeks and in relation t…
COVID-19 2020.03.11 Coronavirus: Measures for students, staff and visitors to the Faculty of Social Sciences The University of Copenhagen has decided to take a number of precautions. Naturally, these also apply to the Faculty of Social Sciences.
ELITE RESEARCH TRAVEL GRANT 2020.02.27 Elite Research travel grant to Kelton Ray Minor PhD Fellow Kelton Ray Minor, SODAS and Department of Economics, receives the Elite Research travel grant of DKK 200,000 for his research talent.
ELITE RESEARCH PRIZE 2020.02.27 Elite Research Prize to Mads Meier Jæger Professor Mads Meier Jæger, Department of Sociology, receives the Elite Research Prize of DKK 1.2 million for excellent research.