Procedure for exam complaints and appeals
This procedure covers all study programmes in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Exams are held pursuant to current legislation and ministerial orders, supplemented by the University of Copenhagen’s Disciplinary measures applied to students at the University of Copenhagen and the University’s advisory rules concerning physical disabilities and exams.
The Exam Order contains rules for complaints and appeals about exams or other forms of assessment. Students have the right to complain about legal issues, about the basis for the exam, the way it was held and the assessment. Rejected complaints about assessments can be appealed to an appeals board.
To ensure adherence to the rules in the Exam Order, the faculty has drawn up fixed workflows and procedures for processing exam complaints and appeals.
The assessors and boards of appeal play a prominent role in dealing with complaints and appeals. It is important that the assessors and the boards of appeal not only understand their own roles, but are also familiar with the rules for complaints and appeals, as well as the faculty workflows. The faculty has drawn up a pamphlet, aimed primarily at the assessors and boards of appeal, that details the workflows and procedures. See the pamphlet in English here (PDF).
As far as possible, the faculty uses pro forma letters in this procedure. These letters provide advice and information so that students are aware of every step of the process and the potential implications – including the possible consequences of their choices. The latter is particularly important because a complainant who accepts the offer of a resit or a new assessment of a previously submitted written exam, risks achieving a lower grade than the original assignment.
Advice for students and the rules for appeals are available on the website. Students also have the opportunity to direct specific questions (by phone, by e-mail and in person) to the faculty staff responsible for processing complaints.
In other words, before filing a complaint, students are able to familiarise themselves with the rules in a variety of ways. If they do lodge a complaint, they are kept up to date with what is happening in their case.
The Student Administration Services at the faculty secretariat carrie out the procedure. The director of studies has overall responsibility.
Ruels for exam complaints
Pamphlet, aimed primarily at the assessors and boards of appeal, that details the workflows and procedures. See the pamphlet here (PDF).