Climate economics 2022.03.10 Survey: Strong consensus among experts for higher CO2 prices Almost all academic experts recommend higher carbon prices as a way to limit global warming, the…
The climate researchers 2022.03.08 Green political scientist: Non-state actors are now driving the green transition The climate scientists: Portrait of political scientist Michele Betsill and her research in the…
SANCTIONS 2022.03.07 The invasion of Ukraine: Sanctions how do they work what exactly is the purpose of economic sanctions, now that the threat of them could not prevent th…
SOCIAL MEDIA 2022.03.02 People spreading misinformation are ridiculed rather than met with facts People who spread misinformation on Twitter are more often met with ridicule than with fact-based…
2022.02.24 Sune Lehmann from SODAS receive EliteForsk award for his research Sune Lehmann has received one of Denmark's most significant research awards,
2022.02.22 Yevgeniy Golovchenko on TV2 News Yevgeniy Golovchenko was interviewed live on TV 2 News about the informational aspect of the…
Crime 2022.02.16 Impatient and risk-tolerant people more often become criminals A new study published in the prestigious journal PNAS confirms the assumption that risk-tolerant,…
BABY BEHAVIOUR 2022.02.04 New research shows how babies’ behavior is influenced by those around them Young infants’ search for potential hidden objects is influenced by how many objects another person…
Grants 2022.01.05 New intervention to strengthen efforts against diabetes in Vietnam As one of four new Danida-supported projects involving researchers from the Department of…
GRANT 2022.01.05 Will infants in sync with their parents develop better social skills? In a new project funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, Psychology Professor Victoria Southgate will…